Thursday, June 02, 2005

I hate my hormones.

Cause they make me so dam emotional. Right now I am listening to a song from The Eagles called "There's hole in the World Tonight". They wrote that song on the night of 9/11 and it brought tears to my eyes. Then last night I watched White Noise with Mike and at the very end. I just busted out in tears and couldn't stop. I don't know what is wrong with me. I am tired and worn out. I stayed home today to rest well that didn't happen. Got all my errands done. Got all the stuff bought for Saturday. I accomplished so much. I got two loads of laundry done, all the dishes, got all the rooms vacuumed. Cleaned the shit out of the bathroom. Its definitely up to I got half the goody bags done. I feel so good!!!! Only about everything being done. Otherwise I feel like shit! Oh and we got baby bunnies in our yard. Five of them. They are so cute. We put some water out there for the Mommy bunny. I want to get some carrots but don't know if I should or not. I still have alot to do and its Jonathan's last day tomorrow. Whooo Hoooo!!!!!

And Jonathan is going into 3rd Grade. OMG. I can't believe it. My baby is going to be 8 years old. Here I go again about crying.. WTF???? We are having a party for him on Saturday with the theme of Kasey Kahne the Nascar driver. I went and bought him a Gameboy Advance today with Two games, a protective cover and carrying case and some adapters. I also got him a shirt and some undies. He already got those cause its just plain embarassing to give someone underwear for their birthdays....LOL. Well I invited some people and I would be shocked if they showed up on Saturday. Its mostly family, but some family that haven't been in touch with in awhile. Not going to say who. Its a surprise. I can only hope and pray they come. It would so make my day/year whatever ...well I gotta go...

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