Monday, June 13, 2005

Can you say fucking frustrated??

Well I am and about to just leave and never come back. I work only part-time yet I am still tired. Why? Cause I work my ass off at work. Today has been stressful for the most part. It started out I went to a visitation with my Mom. A very good friend of hers passed away last thursday. I went to support my Mom. Well I go to work and he wants me to go home. It won't make things better to come home so I stayed and worked. Well I come home, change shoes and take some Aleve cause my back hurts and I have a terrible headache. SO, I decided to call Dawn and see what she was doing. I stop by her parents and visit with her and her friend J. I decide it time to leave and Andrew wants to come over, sure no prob. So they play video games and I am still trying to get over this headache. I am just frustrated over certain things and it better get worked out otherwise something needs to change or happen. But what erks me the most is M comes home, brings chicken from the store and sits down and starts eating. All the while I am trying to get things done like dishes/laundry/plants watered/housework...basically everything and do you think he would offer to help? Fuck no. I took out ALL the garbage. Pruned all the plants outside and watered them all as well. I also have my niece and nephew here for a bit. Ok I am supermom tonight. I shouldn't expect M to help, its not like he's working or anything. That is the part that bugs me. He hasn't helped me do anything in awhile. WTF?

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