Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Can you say PISSED?

Today was a hot day let me tell you. I worked outside all day til' 2pm. Ok that means I am hot and sweaty and wanna lay down right? Well yeah well can't do that. Got two screamin' boys playing a video game. So I decide to go take a cool bath and relax. Low and behold can't do that either. Sounds like someone is being murdered. So can't relax in the tub. I understand that Mike doesn't spend that much time with his Son. But at least keep voices to a minimum. I know I am whining but shit I am the only one working, a little common courtesy please. Is that too much to ask? But what pisses me off the most? Is that Mike comes home and sits in front of the TV and plays fucking XBOX. Don't worry about the dishes I will do them! Ok there is more to life than playing video games God Dammit!!!! He gets into the video game mode and ignores what is going on around him. At least I think about others needs first!!! His will be to sleep on the floor tonight cause I don't want him around me right now. I am afraid I am going to snap on him!!!! And yes I have very good reason!! I worked harder today than yesterday. I am sore today. Had good conversations at lunch and my co-workers are awesome. Its nice to be able to chat with someone and them not be snotty bitches. Oh wait, I am the only female at my job so they can't be bitches. Well time to go do something constructive...like maybe rest....YAH RIGHT!!!!

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